Digital signage solutions are ubiquitous in the modern world. Walk into any store or service outlet and you'll probably see at least a few digital signs, offering the latest deals and product information or just providing a little entertainment for waiting customers. Digital signage solutions are particularly relevant in banking. Here are just some of the opportunities that installing digital signage can open up.
What is digital signage?
Instead of conventional fixed signage, digital signage uses animated displays to show dynamic information. They can be as simple as a ticker with the latest stock market data, or as complex as a large interactive map with a touch-sensitive screen. Digital signage can display whatever you want from a central content management system (CMS). This means that you can change the signs across multiple branches all at once, from a single central location.
Improving your customers' experience
Nowadays, most people prefer to conduct their financial transactions over the Web or via telephone. The retail banking sector has responded to this by slimming down its brick-and-mortar presence and moving more operations online. That said, there are still times when only an in-person visit will do. Perhaps a customer is opening a new account, or wants to make a major financial decision that should really be discussed in person. Some customers, especially older people, simply prefer the security and reassurance of doing business in the safety of their bank's physical premises.
Whatever your clients' reasons for coming in to see you, you need to make sure that their visit is as pleasant as you can. If your bank premises seem uninviting, drab or out-of-date, this can impact their experience and make them less keen to come in. This in turn may mean that customers don't try new products and are less likely to recommend your bank to others. In the worst case, they may be inclined to leave and join another bank with more appealing facilities.
That's where digital signage comes in. Digital signage improves your customers' experience, increases engagement and promotes your services.
Impress with digital lobby signage
Digital signage in a branch lobby is a great way to grab your customers' attention. Visitors to the branch will be intrigued when they step inside to see informative, useful signage. A sleek digital screen is the best way to make a great first impression.
Help customers navigate your services with a digital directory
It can be infuriating and frustrating for customers if they can't easily access the services they're looking for. A customer who queues up for one desk, only to find that it's the wrong one and they have to join a different queue, will quickly become annoyed and exasperated. With an interactive digital directory in every branch, customers won't get lost or have to wait for front desk staff to attend them. This means shorter queues for the front desk and quicker service for all your clients. An interactive directory may also prompt visitors to find out more about your services. If a visitor is looking for the right place to open a new account and happens to see listings for investments or insurance, they may be prompted to ask about those services too.
Reduce perceived waiting times with information
No matter how well-staffed and streamlined your bank branch is, it's inevitable that some people will need to wait a little while to be taken care of. Again and again, studies have shown the benefits of giving clients something to look at while they wait. Signage that conveys useful and interesting information shortens the amount of time that customers feel they've had to wait, making the experience less annoying. Your bank will be perceived as efficiently run and attentive.
Streamline promotions and cross-selling
Promote your financial products and services with digital signage. By advertising a range of services to those using your bank, you'll increase revenue and expand your customer base. Visitors will be more interested in opening accounts with you, while existing customers will be made aware of services that are relevant to them. Unlike conventional fixed signage, digital signage can display up-to-the-minute information on all the newest products and services that your bank offers. It can even be personalized, thanks to software that recognizes when a customer has the bank's app installed on their mobile device and displays targeted information.
Educate your customers with digital bulletin boards
As well as your own services, you can use digital signage to keep your clients up to speed with the latest financial information from around the world. Your signage can display images, informative videos, news-feeds and social media that's relevant to their interests. This improves customer experience and can prompt higher levels of engagement. Waiting customers who can peruse a news feed with the latest financial headlines will be much happier than customers forced to sit and read the same poster for the duration of their waiting period.
Cut costs and carbon with digital signage
Printed marketing materials aren't just expensive to produce. They also use up valuable resources. Producing all that additional paper uses a great deal of water and chemicals, to say nothing of the environmental and financial costs involved in distribution. By contrast, digital signage can display the same information without a single tree being felled. Although the initial outlay might be more significant, digital signage can pay for itself very quickly.
Maintain confidence with brand continuity
Ensuring that elements of fixed signage are refreshed across all your bank's locations can be a problem. A cohesive brand identity relies on each location displaying the same brand elements: the most recent version of your logo, your bank's current livery, the latest lettering and typography. You also want to avoid displaying out-of-date information. If staff at some of your branches don't receive the new materials or fail to replace the old ones for some other reason, the result is a patchy impression. With remote management and digital signage, it's much easier to keep your branding consistent across multiple locations.
Customer expectations have never been higher or more subject to rapid development. Digital signage lets you stay ahead of the curve, engaging your customers and boosting your bank's profile in every branch. For clear, consistent branding, better-informed employees and a higher-quality customer experience, digital signage is the way to go.
Look digital signage service is powerful, robust and easy-to-use tool, which will certainly help you to take an advantage of all the listed above opportunities. According to your requirements it can be used in a cloud-based version or deployed on-premises. With a single Look personal account you’re able to build the scenarios and remotely manage both simple TV screens and touch monitors within all your branches wherever they’re located at any time.