Countdown timer App for Digital Signage Software

Stir up interest and notify your customers, guests or employees putting a widget with countdown timer to an important event directly on digital screens.

Countdown timer App for Digital Signage Software

Is your company's anniversary approaching? Looking forward to a famous party at your bar? Planning to open another store in your chain? It doesn’t matter what business you’re in or what event is about to take place, keeping your audience interested in it is not an easy task, but the right tools can definitely help you cope with this.

With this simple but useful app, you can show countdown timer to one or another important event in your business right on your digital screens. To set it up, just select desired date and time, write down a message that should accompany the timer, choose language, color scheme, background content and completion content item, and the timer is ready to be sent to your digital screen. Now your audience will be constantly informed when the long-awaited event arrives and, accordingly, is unlikely to miss it.

Detailed setup manual

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